
Google Glass could change the way children with autism read faces

Date: 24th June 2016

Like many autistic children, Julian Brown has trouble reading emotions in people’s faces, one of the biggest challenges for people with the neurological disorder. Now, the 10-year-old San Jose boy is getting help from ‘autism glass’ – an experimental device created by researchers at Stanford University using Google Glass that records and analyses faces in real time and alerts him to the emotions they’re expressing.

Take a look at ‘autism glass’ in action:

Julian wears the device each day for three 20-minute sessions when he interacts with family members face-to-face — talking, playing games, and eating meals. The program runs on a smartphone, which records the sessions. Julian is one of about 100 autistic children participating in a Stanford study to see if “autism glass” therapy can improve their ability to interpret facial expressions.

Read more about the research and how the device is helping Julian from his own perspective here.

What are your thoughts on the device? Do you think it could help to make a difference to those with autism and how they communicate? Leave your thoughts in the comments or on our member’s forum.


Associated Press
New York Post


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