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Sherryn Alton

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Sherryn Alton

Member since: 06/11/2009

I have experience working with children who have speech difficulties, language delay or disorder, autism spectrum conditions and those with hearing impairment. As a Specialist Therapist in Hearing Impairment / Deafness, I work with infants, children and adolescents with any degree of hearing loss including those who have cochlear implants or hearing aids. I work directly with the child and with their parents to facilitate the child’s communication development. I am a fluent BSL signer and work with those who use spoken language and/or sign language. I am also PROMPT trained. Therapy can be delivered locally in the client’s home or school.

Conditions treated
  • Autism spectrum
  • Deafness
  • Motor speech disorders
  • Signing
Age ranges treated
  • Newborn
  • Preschool
  • Primary School
  • Secondary school and adolescent
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